After several of these sites getting hit with Pure Spam penalties (and still getting denials with the reconsideration requests), there’s not a lot of income to report.
But, there is income. And I’ve still been tinkering here behind the scenes.
As mentioned when I started these monthly updates, I’m publishing these income reports on the last day of each month to get fresh data your way.
Note: The sites in this report are only a portion of my portfolio and not the only sites that bring in revenue.
**And as always, I’m an affiliate marketer and this post contains affiliate links, meaning I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Site 1: Food/Drink Niche
This site is still de-indexed. But it is getting a little traffic still, primarily from Bing.
So, that’s almost 1,300 pageviews and an EPMV of $5.20.
And here comes the big money from Humix –
And quick reminder, I enabled Humix on this site early in 2023 but didn’t upload any videos – instead I’m only earning from other people’s videos that show up on my site.
So, here’s the raw stats:
- Ezoic: $6.63
- Amazon: $9.37
Kinda weird that earnings went up with the EPMV and traffic going down. But that credit goes to my Amazon affiliate links.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Site 2: Religion/Spirituality Niche
This site is still de-indexed. But it is getting a little traffic still, primarily from Bing.
That’s despite it having a Pinterest and Facebook page.
With such a tiny amount of traffic, this one is essentially dead.
Here’s how much this site earned from Humix with the two videos that I uploaded early in 2023 –

Even uploading vids to Humix for earning on other sites didn’t save this one.
So, here’s the raw stats:
- Ezoic: $1.25
- Amazon: $0.00
Nothing worth seeing here.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Site 3: Food/Drink Niche #2
This site is still de-indexed. But it is getting a little traffic still, primarily from Bing.
Not much traffic, an EPMV drop, and minimal revenue.
So, here’s the raw stats:
- Ezoic: $3.10
- Amazon: $0.00
Despite the traffic drop, EPMV and earnings are up a wee bit – how? No idea.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Site 4: Tech/Gaming Niche
This site is no longer on Ezoic.
Site 5: Outdoors Niche
This site remains indexed, but like most people’s sites it’s not doing too hot.
Despite that, I did add three new posts to the site.
Staying indexed doesn’t seem to have done this site any favors.
Like the deindexed sites above, Bing is the primary traffic driver here.
Per Ezoic, traffic only fell a little from 669 visits to 652 visits, but that EPMV drop is stupid.
So, here’s the raw stats:
- Ezoic: $5.29
- Amazon: $0.00
This one has an EPMV increase, traffic drop, and earnings drop – but it’s still indexed!
The affiliate content on this site is using high converting Lasso product boxes.
And I used Scalenut (use code FOREVER20 to save 20% after the free trial!) to optimize these articles. You can also use something like Frase for this.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Site 6: Gardening Niche
Honestly, this is the only site that I’ve really focused on from this collection of sites.
It remains indexed, though the recent updates beat it up a little.
Traffic is up a little over 1,000 visits total – despite a drop in traffic from Google. And that EPMV is insulting.
Especially since I’ve been sending Facebook and Pinterest traffic to this site this month.
That’s right, I started both the Pinterest campaign and the Facebook campaign for this site. And I’m using Post Planner for it.
The Facebook page just hit 1,000 Likes today. Or maybe last night.
Here’s a look at the traffic sources for the month:
Pinterest often shows up as “Direct” so it’s a good possibility that some of that is Pinterest.
Here’s the stats direct from Pinterest for month one of pinning –
So yeah, some of those are definitely listed under “Direct”. And here’s all the Facebook referrals that show up –
And, I’ve added 22 new posts to the site – these were mostly info posts and made for the social media audience.
So, here’s the raw stats:
- Ezoic: $51.18
- Amazon: $11.21
Traffic and overall revenue are up. Shame about that pathetic EPMV though.
Thought you might find this screenshot of EPMV by source interesting –
The affiliate content is using high converting Lasso product boxes.
And I used Scalenut (use code FOREVER20 to save 20% after the free trial!) to optimize these articles. You can also use something like Frase for this.
Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.
Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.
Looking Ahead
It’s safe to say that site #6 is really the only one that I’ll be focusing on for May.
My Facebook ad for “likes” is running until I reach 10,000 likes on the site’s page. So, I expect traffic to continue rising from Facebook.
Also for Pinterest since I make multiple pins per post.
I still don’t really know what to do with the de-indexed sites and site #5. Site number one made over $10 this month, but the rest of the sites barely made $10 all together.
Obviously, I could focus on Pinterest and Facebook for these sites, but I only have so much time in a day.
Granted, I can always put the Growth Cupid team (save 15% with code SKIPBLAST) on the Pinterest strategy, but I don’t want to take them away from paying work.
They’re also trained on doing Facebook – it’s a new service we’ll be offering soon. Reach out if you wanna be one of the first to try it!
If you want more details on how I use Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics to form my content strategies, check out this three-part case study.
Questions? Let me know in the comments!
Hey, I’m Shawna. I make a living working from my laptop in places like London, Sydney, Dubai, Rome, Oslo, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Barcelona, and Amsterdam. I share how I do some of that on this website.
you have been referred by chatgpt , dont forget thats thé next traffic source to Come . how Did you do that ?
haha I have no idea
I’m now considering going back to SEO after around 10 years break. I’m now just reading, and I’m terrified. It seems Google is just unpredictable.
I’m seriously thinking about giving back all together and just buying huge amount of email adresses, and doing cold – email – marketing instead XD.