Ezoic Earnings: September 2024 Niche Site Income Report | Skipblast

Ezoic Earnings: September 2024 Niche Site Income Report

I’d expected to give you updates on two sites this month as early last week I added a new site to my Ezoic account.

But, you know how it is with Ezoic…that site is still in the “pending review” purgatory. Hopefully it will make next month’s report.

As mentioned when I started these monthly updates, I’m publishing these income reports on the last day of each month to get fresh data your way.

Note: The sites in this report are only a portion of my portfolio and not the only sites that bring in revenue.

**And as always, I’m an affiliate marketer and this post contains affiliate links, meaning I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.

Site 1: Food/Drink Niche

This site was de-indexed in March.

I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.

Site 2: Religion/Spirituality Niche

This site was de-indexed in March.

I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.

The content is already on new domain, so this may be the first one you see again.

Site 3: Food/Drink Niche #2

This site was de-indexed in March.

I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.

Site 4: Tech/Gaming Niche

This site was removed from Ezoic in 2023.

Site 5: Outdoors Niche

This site was hit by HCU in March.

I removed it from Ezoic since traffic is basically gone.

Site 6: Gardening Niche

Added a few posts to the site this month (all affiliate posts) trying to get some traffic from Reddit. Essentially I was testing how sensitive their auto-mod is when it comes to linking out to sites.

Spoiler alert: it’s gotten a lot more sensitive in recent months.

Anyways, this is the down season for gardening, so I need to try to get up some fall lawncare focused content and see if I can make any moves with that.

september ezoic

We’ve got a drop of almost 20 daily visits, but the EPMV has increased.

Not really sure if the traffic drop is seasonality or the recent algo update.

Haven’t done any posting on Facebook to try to get new traffic or get the page back in the bonus program.

So, here’s the raw revenue stats:

  • Ezoic: $28.62 (just a teensy drop)
  • Amazon: $0.00

So, EPMV is up and traffic that’s down. As a result, only a tiny change here.

The affiliate content is using high converting Lasso product boxes.

And I used Scalenut (use code FOREVER20 to save 20% after the free trial!) to optimize these articles. You can also use something like Frase for this.

Do note that we have one additional day left in the month, so these numbers are almost complete.

Plus, Ezoic balances are not finalized for ending month until the 4th of the following month. Just an FYI.

Looking Ahead

So, I really need to focus on getting content up on the garden site that is better for this time of year.

It would be great to be able to capitalize on some of those Q4 RPMs!

And then get to work on the Facebook page.

I’ll still be focused on creating social-first content for this site based on what will perform well on Pinterest.

Questions? Let me know in the comments!

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